If you turn on the news it seems like the world is ending.

Maybe it is. I don’t know.

What I do know is that if even 50% of it is true…

… it is going to get really, really hard to sell stuff really, really soon.

That is why we help Accountants become Authors.

Because nothing sells you like a book.

I wrote a book all about becoming an A.U.T.H.O.R.I.T.Y, it is called The STANDOUT Accounting Firm.

You’ll learn how to become the Accounting Firm that people want to buy from, work for and rave about.



"If you want to go from being seen as Standard to Standout, read this book. You'll learn the nine-step A.U.T.H.O.R.I.T.Y. method that I used in my then Accounting Firm, 'INSPIRE CA' to go from $200K 'Timesheet Revenue' to $2M 'Recurring Revenue', all because we went from being Accountants to Authors." Harvee Pene (Accountant, 2x TEDx Speaker & 10x Best-Selling Author)

BONUS: When you GET THE STANDOUT BOOK you'll automatically go on the waitlist to download Harvee's forthcoming book 'ACCOUNTANTS TO AUTHORS' for free.

The short book on how to write a short book, to use as a 'Business Card on Steroids' for your Accounting Firm (RRP: $39.99)

100% Complete

A 'STANDOUT' firm is (irrespective of its size): an outstanding firm that people want to buy from, work for and rave about.

They attract & keep great clients.

They become a magnet for talent.

They charge what they're worth.



In this book I share with you the nine-step 'AUTHORITY' method that took my then Accounting Firm from standard to standout, so that you can do the same. Where Authority stands for -


A is for Attention

Just like sunlight is the primary growth factor for trees in a rainforest, the more attention a business gets the faster it grows.  Is your firm getting the right kind of attention it needs and deserves?


U is for Unpacking IP

With the fountain of knowledge inside your head right now, you could serve clients 1:1 or even 1:Many.  But if you packaged that knowledge into a tangible product could you tap into the elusive ‘None:Many’ mecca?


T is for The 7 Hour Rule

If it takes 7 Hours of research for someone to be pre-sold, could a prospective client find online many hours worth of content that they could read, watch, listen to or act on?

sure that you're applying every legally available tax saving strategy?


H is for Look Under the Hood

Which would you rather - (1) Have 10 x Free initial client meetings and sign 1 x NEW Client or (2) have 10 x $500 initial client meetings and sign 6 x NEW Clients?


O is for Values over Value

They say success is what you say NO to, so what are the principles, philosophies and values that are more important to you than a client's money?


R is for Known for Results

In a world where Accountants are known for Red-Tape and Compliance services, how are you becoming known for the Results you’re creating for your clients?


I is for Making An Impact

Governments do not change our world.  Businesses must become the force for good in the world.  Who better than YOU the trusted advisor to make it happen?


T is for Harnessing Great Talent

Standout firms have moved from Tracking Time to Tracking Impact, the question is, are your team members driven by passion or pressure?


Y is for Nailing Your Why

If Simon Sinek says we should ‘start with why’, are you super clear on your life’s purpose?

About the Author

Harvee Pene is an Accountant, Author and the founder of Life Changing Accountants®.

He is on a mission to give 1 Billion Days of access to food, water, health and sanitation to families in need by 2030, by helping Accountants and their clients to TIP 1% of their Time, Income or Profits to help end poverty.

He was recognised as ‘One of Ten Outstanding Persons in Australia’ and ‘Australian of the Year (nominee)’ for his TIP 1% giving initiative that has reached 27+ Million Days of life changing help given to families in need across 16 countries.

Harvee is well known for his children’s story book about the 17 UN Global Goals called “ZERO POVERTY BY 2030” that was launched at TEDxYOUTH in 2022.  

On the cover Helen Clark, the 37th Prime Minister of New Zealand, is famously quoted as saying “this book will start a revolution for children”.

He wrote the book as a COVID lockdown project with his then 3 year old ‘miracle baby’ Havana.

After surviving testicular cancer, he became the global face of men’s health charity Movember.

Here’s a Look at What You’ll Discover When You Get Your Digital Copy of The STANDOUT Book …

  • How to generate 30 warm leads per week
  • How to get 365 qualified referrals each year (without handing out business cards or feeling like you’re begging your clients for a favour)
  • How to charge an additional $52,000 per year for advice that Accountants usually give away for free.
  • How to sell an $1,800/m life long retainer from a simple one-page A4 brochure, without the usual sales awkwardness.
  • How to instantly double the perceived value of your firm's products & services.
  • How to buy leads for $2 - $4 so that you can turn them into $10,000 a year clients.
  • How to secure a $6,000 paid speaking engagement that gets you in front of 50+ ideal client prospects.
  • How to become well known for the R.E.S.U.L.T.S. that you create for your clients, allowing you to increase your reputation, prices and value
  • How to create hundreds of hours of relevant content for your prospects to consume so they arrive at your desk ‘hot’, pre-sold and ready to buy.
  • How to run a successful sales meeting that identifies opportunities, fires up the team & closes deals sooner
  • How to create a culture of gratitude, with this simple but powerful weekly team rhythm
  • How to make your firm values come alive, drive productivity & become a magnet for talent.
  • How to effectively embed giving into your Accounting firm so that you get referrals, retention & respect.
  • Nailing (really nailing) Your Why, because purpose is the secret to grow faster, keep talent longer and double productivity.
  • The most powerful and underrated one page goal setting process to unearth your clients goals, so you can help achieve them (at a premium)
  • How to (and why to) unpack your intellectual property so that your knowledge can be seen, valued and paid for.
  • How to get everyone on your team rowing in the same direction, using meeting agendas, team retreats and leadership teams.
  • How to run a daily standing huddle that drives productivity, encourages communication and aligns the team.
  • How to turn your boring Terms and Conditions into the most powerful sales and marketing brochure.
  • How to turn your boring HR Policy Document into the most powerful A-Player Recruitment Tool.
  • How to help your team seamlessly sell Your Story, Your Services and Your Standards.
  • How to map out a compelling 7 year career development plan that prevents losing your A-Players to the Great Resignation.
  • How to run a successful client & prospect event, workshop or retreat that drives sales, boosts conversions and adds value.
  • How to communicate your value proposition & your expectations, so that you’re choosing the right clients instead of chasing them.

Hey Harvee. Sorry to interrupt your weekend but I just needed to tell you that I Just devoured your new book in one session! I’m all fired up! It’s made me realise that my business is too focused on what was in it for me - not for my clients and for the broader world. I’ve referred back to the book all week - already integrating. Thankyou!

— Bronwyn Candish, Founder & Director of Cloudkeepers Chartered Accountancy New Zealand.